From Tulips to Computers in Auction

18 Jun

Most of us know the story of the burst bubble tulip price when merchants in Holland were swapping houses for single tulip bulbs in the Seventeenth century.

In the sixteen fifties one man in Holland had a dozen tulip bulbs of the Semper Augustus variety and was offered three thousand guilders each. In auction he would almost certainly have got double that amount.

In order to appreciate how much money that was it may be worth a visit to Holland today and go to the national art gallery to view one of the greatest paintings of the same vintage; The night Watchman by Rembrandt.

Penny auction

Penny auction

This superb work of art was sold at the same time the tulip offer was being made for half the amount at fifteen hundred guilders.

The most extraordinary part of this story is that we no longer know the name of the man who owned the dozen tulips but we do know that he refused to sell them!

Today anything at all can be sold in auction as long as it isn’t Mother-in –law or any other form of human life.

The internet offers the opportunity to sell a car, a watch a boat or a plane ticket. Think of anything and you will find it somewhere online and available.

The new type of auction called a penny auction only sells brand new original goods. This can be anything from the latest laptop or hand held Wi-Fi device to something as benign as supermarket shopping discount vouchers.

The only thing to remember about penny auctions is that they are unlike conventional auctions and a proper understanding is essential if you do not want to just throw money away.

Before participating the bidder must buy credit and for this it is necessary to have a credit or debit card and be over the age of eighteen.

Each bid is placed as the clock ticks away and although each bid has cost a pound or perhaps more, the goods only increase in value by one penny.

Penny auction is the best way to get your items for the best price as you will see when you click here at

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Posted by on June 18, 2012 in Auctions


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